
Showing posts from January, 2020

Weekend's Questions and Answers Session on Inheritance Law in Islam

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, all our platforms are now opened for weekend's questions and answers session. Please don't post unnecessary messages on the platforms to avoid been sanctioned. You can join the session and contribute or ask questions on inheritance cases in Islam and in our contemporary world as affects Muslims through all these platformsšŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡                                            •  Facebook: •  Telegram:   •  WhatsApp:  •  LinkedIn:  •  WordPress:   •  Blogger:  •  Wix: Jazakumullahu khayran. Yours in Islam @Abu Aisha The Instructor.

Weekend Questions and Answers Session on Inheritance Law in Islam

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, all our platforms are now opened for weekend's questions and answers session. Please don't post unnecessary messages on the platforms to avoid been sanctioned. You can join the session and contribute or ask questions on inheritance cases in Islam and in our contemporary world as affects Muslims through all these platformsšŸ‘‡                 •  Facebook: •  Telegram:   •  WhatsApp:  •  LinkedIn:  •  WordPress:   •  Blogger:  •  Wix: Jazakumullahu khayran. Yours in Islam @Abu Aisha The Instructor.

Al-Wasiyyah and Common Law Will: Differences and Similarities (Part 1)

 Bismillāhi Rahmāni RahÄ«m  You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām. Date:   7th  Jumādah ThānnÄ« , 1441 A H /  31st     January, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   47 Topic:   Al-Waį¹£iyyah (Bequest) and Common Law Will Writing and Execution  Sub-Topic:  The Similarities and Differences (Part 1) Alhamdulillāhi, in the last two weeks, we have enunciated the definitions, origin, types, features and benefit of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah in Islam. It is then imperative for us to discuss the differences and similarities between Islamic will and Common law will. This, without mincing words is necessary because millions of Muslims world over are living under the process of legal pluralism in a manner whereby Islamic Law( SharÄ«‘ah) are sometimes subjected to scrutiny, domesticated as customary law or facing superior imposition of colonial rules especially in Muslim countries where SharÄ«‘ah is not in force.            Nonetheless, we n

Facts about Al-Faraid Online Forum

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, these are the facts to know about "Al-Faraid Online Forum" šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡ ✔️ It's an Islamic platform where we learn Islamic law of inheritance ✔️Lesson learnt in the class is posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week while Saturdays and Sundays are used for questions and answers session in which the all our platforms would be opened for everyone. ✔️Our daily lessons could be accessed on Facebook, Telegram, WordPress, WhatsApp, Blogger, LinkedIn and Wix  Apps and sites with the name "Al-Faraid Online Forum" ✔️The platform instructor could be contacted anytime any day for questions related to Islamic Inheritance Law via +2348023670884 either on Whatsapp or Telegram. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™Jazakumullahu khayran!!!. Yours in Islam @Abu Aisha (+2348023670884) The Instructor.

Features of Al-Wasiyyah

Bismillāhi Rahmāni RahÄ«m  You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām. Date:   5th  Jumādah ThānnÄ« , 1441 A H /  29th    January, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   46 Topic:  Revision on Will or Bequest Writing in Islām (Al-Waį¹£iyyah) Sub-Topic: Conditions, Features and Benefits of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah (Bequest/Will): Part 2 Previously, we mentioned some key points on the conditions, features and benefits  of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah. However, complimentarily, other valuable points we need to know as Muslims include: 1.  Al-Waį¹£iyyah  is only executable after the death of Al-MÅ«į¹£iy (Testator). 2.  There is no bequest for the heir. 3.  The Legatee (Al-MÅ«į¹£Ä lahu) must be in existence at the time of death of the testator. However, if the legatee dies before the testator , the Waį¹£iyyah is void and invalid, but if he or she dies after the death of the testator but has not taken the possession of the Waį¹£iyyah, the heirs of the legatee has th

Daily Lesson

Bismillāhi Rahmāni RahÄ«m  You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām. Date:   3rd  Jumādah ThānnÄ« , 1441 A H /  27th    January, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   45 Topic:  Revision on Will or Bequest Writing in Islām (Al-Waį¹£iyyah) Sub-Topic: Conditions, Features and Benefits of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah (Bequest/Will): Part 1 As students of Islām, it’s imperative upon us to be acquainted with the conditions, features and benefits of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah. Generally, as inferred from Qur’anic provisions and aįø„ādith of the Prophet, the following are deduced by majority of scholars as conditions, features, benefits and restrictions of Al-Waį¹£iyyah: 1.  Bequest was mandatory before the revelation of the verses of inheritance. 2.  The Waį¹£iyyah verses were abrogated by inheritance verses in the cases of legal heirs but remain valid in favour of non- heirs. 3.  Al-Waį¹£iyyah is voluntary and recommendatory as a form of Istiįø„sān (Equity or do

Special Announcement

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, we are pleased to inform you that, in our attempt to simplifying the dissemination of  the learning and application of inheritance law as enshrined in Shariah, all our daily lesson can now be assessed through these online medium 1. Download WhatsApp App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ 2. Download Telegram App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @  3. Facebook @ Online Forum 4. Download Blogger App and join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ 5. Download WordPress App and join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ 6. Download Wix App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ Insha Allah, we shall continue to serve you better and expand our understanding of Islamic law of inheritance. Jazakumullahu khayran!!! @Abu Aisha The Instructor

Al-Wasiyyah Continues

Bismillāhi Rahmāni RahÄ«m  You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām. Date:   29th  Jumādah al-Ullah , 1441 A H /  24th    January, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   44 Topic:  Revision on Will or Bequest Writing in Islām (Al-Wasiyyah) Sub-Topic: Types of  Al-Waį¹£iyyah (Bequest/Will) Alhamdulillāh, in our previous classes, we have deliberated on the meaning and the origin of Al-Waį¹£iyyah in Islām. This week, we are looking are the types of Al-Waį¹£iyyah and its conditions, features, benefits and restrictions as enshrined under Islamic law. According to some scholars, there are two types of Al-Waį¹£iyyah; namely, specific and general bequests. Specific bequest entails a bequest made on a particular item or a special property while the general bequest is not special. They opined that the differences between the two is that the specific bequest is determined at the time the bequest is made and it must be in the possessio