Special Announcement

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, we are pleased to inform you that, in our attempt to simplifying the dissemination of  the learning and application of inheritance law as enshrined in Shariah, all our daily lesson can now be assessed through these online medium
1. Download WhatsApp App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @  https://chat.whatsapp.com/Krj4J7TFsHZ1LpRfJGT6mh
2. Download Telegram App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ https://t.me/AlFaraidOnlineForum 
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4. Download Blogger App and join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ https://alfaraidonlineforum.blogspot.com
5. Download WordPress App and join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ www.alfaraidonlineforum.wordpress.com
6. Download Wix App and Join Al-Faraid Online Forum @ http://wix.to/6sCcBmo
Insha Allah, we shall continue to serve you better and expand our understanding of Islamic law of inheritance.
Jazakumullahu khayran!!!
@Abu Aisha
The Instructor


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