Facts about Al-Faraid Online Forum

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants, these are the facts to know about "Al-Faraid Online Forum" 👇👇👇
✔️ It's an Islamic platform where we learn Islamic law of inheritance
✔️Lesson learnt in the class is posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week while Saturdays and Sundays are used for questions and answers session in which the all our platforms would be opened for everyone.
✔️Our daily lessons could be accessed on Facebook, Telegram, WordPress, WhatsApp, Blogger, LinkedIn and Wix  Apps and sites with the name "Al-Faraid Online Forum"
✔️The platform instructor could be contacted anytime any day for questions related to Islamic Inheritance Law via +2348023670884 either on Whatsapp or Telegram.
🙏🙏🙏Jazakumullahu khayran!!!.
Yours in Islam
@Abu Aisha (+2348023670884)
The Instructor.


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