Al-Radd (Shares Redistribution or Return of Residue ): Part 3

Bismillāhi Raḥmāni Raḥīm 
Date:    7th Dhul-Qahdah, 1441 A H / 29th June, 2020
Subject:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance) 
Lesson:   69
Topic: Al-Radd (Shares Redistribution or Return of Residue): Part 3
Sub-Topic: Modern Application of Al-Radd in some Muslim Countries
Dear Esteem Participants, welcome to today’s class!
Today, we are looking at the modern application of al-Radd principle in Muslim countries. In the last eight decades, al-Radd doctrine has evolved under different applications in some Muslim dominated countries. In Sudan, a judicial pronouncement of 1925 allows the residual estate to be given to the widow (wife) through reversion (al-Radd) in the absence of other legal heirs. The law was also reported to be in vogue in Pakistan with the right of residue reversion postponed to that of “Acknowledged Kinsman” while in Egypt and Syria, the widows are given the same right of inheriting the residue with no condition attached. 
Also, in Tunisia, widows are allowed to partake in al-Radd process with other Qur’anic heirs in the absence of male agnate, daughter or agnatic granddaughter if there is any residue at all while she is also allowed to inherit the whole property in the absence of the Qur’anic heirs. In the same vein, as applicable in Tunisia, daughter inherit all properties in the absence of other Qur’anic heirs by way of al-Radd even in the presence of agnates (such as brother or uncle of the deceased). 
Inshā’ Allāh, in the next class, we are looking at practical examples of  al-Radd application.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran for reading today’s lesson.  
Yours in Islām  
©Busari Muhammad Jamiu (Abū  ‘Ᾱisha)
The Instructor (+2348023670884)
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