Writing a Shariah-compliant Will as a Muslim in a non-Islamic States by Abu Aisha (The Concluding Part)

 Bismillāhi Rahmāni Rahīm 
You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām.
Date:   4th Rajab, 1441 A H /  28th February, 2020
Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories  
Lesson:   54
Topic:  Writing a Shari ‘ah-Compliant Will as a Muslim in non-Islamic State (The Concluding Part)
Dear Participants, we have been able to concisely analyzed the intrigues of writing a Shari ‘ah-Compliant Will which would be admissible in the Courts for those Muslims living in non-Islamic State. Once the Wasiyyah is written, we need to engage the services of Muslim lawyers who are conversant with both Islamic and Common law provision. He would then scrutinize the testament of our Wills and lead us to the Probate registry of the State High Court where we reside.
At the probate registry, your Will would be registered and scrutinized. Your lawyer as your attorney is obliged to fill and file the probate form of depositing your Will on your behalf in your presence. The Probate registrar has the legal obligations to admit your Will into the Probate Registry and ask you to sign for the deposit. A certified true copies of the Will endorsed with the Probate Seal of the High Court would be given to YOU (As Testator and Will Depositor) while you can duplicate such certified copy to be given to your lawyer and your chosen witnesses. 
At this juncture, we should not forget what we said at the beginning of this lesson. The  Islamic Will does not devolve your properties but only gives out one-third of your estates as wasiyyah to some beneficiaries excluding your rightful heirs according to your wish once it’s not anti-Islamic. It only include your pronouncement as the testament of the Will saying “I, ………..  pronounced that my Estate MUST be devolved after my demise according to the provision of Islamic Inheritance Law as enshrined in the Qur’ān and Sunnah”.  May Almighty Allah guide us aright.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran for reading today’s lesson. 
Yours in Islām  
© Abū  ‘Ᾱisha 
The Instructor (+2348023670884)
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