
Showing posts from April, 2020

Methods and Principles of Al-Takharuj

Bismillāhi Rahmāni Rahīm  Date:   6th Ramadan, 1441 A H / 29th April, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   60 Topic: Methods  and Principles  of Al-Takhāruj (Mutual Withdrawal): Part 2   You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām! Alhamdulillāh, in our last lesson, we gave legal definition of al-Takhāruj under Islamic law. Today we are briefly looking at the methods and principles of al-Takhāruj. There are three known methods through which Takhāruj is activated; these are: i.  Takhāruj between an heir and other heir/heirs:  This involves exiting of a heir to withdraw from acquisition of his rightful share of inheritance.  ii.  Takhāruj for Exchange: This involves the exit of a heir from certain estate in return for something else from remaining Tarikah(Property). iii.  Takhāruj for Compensation: This involves the consensus agreement of all potential heirs to jointly pay a heir who withdraws from the inheritance acq

Al-Takharuj (Mutual Withdrawal)

Bismillāhi Rahmāni Rahīm  Date:   4th Ramadan, 1441 A H / 27th April, 2020 Series 2:   Al-Farā’id (The Islamic Law of Inheritance): The Theories   Lesson:   59 Topic: Al-Takhāruj (Mutual Withdrawal): Part 1   You are welcome to today's class on inheritance law in Islām!!! Under Sharī‘ah, the core value of Islamic law of inheritance is the institutionalisation of happiness, equality and peaceful co-existence among the heirs of a deceased’s Muslim.  One of such means through which peace and stability is achieved is the activation of Al-Takhāruj. According to scholars, Al-Takhāruj means exiting, mutual withdrawal or abstinence from inheritance acquisition. Legally, it means peaceful mechanism of withdrawal or abstinence by a legitimate heir with full consent and approval from acquiring his or her rightful shares from the estate of the Mawrūth in order to prevent enmity, altercation and stalemate in estate devolution.  Takhāruj involves the intentional withdrawal of a beneficiary from

Special Announcement

Salam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Dear participants,  I wholeheartedly wish you a blessed Ramadan in advance. We are happy to acquaint you about our redesign schedules of program on all our platforms (WhatsApp, Telegram, LinkedIn, WordPress, Facebook, Blogger) and our YouTube channel. The schedule is as follow: 1. Every Mondays and Wednesdays would be used for new lessons on Inheritance Law in Islam.  2. Every Fridays would be used for tutorial assessment in which questions would be asked from the lessons learnt so far. 3. Every Saturdays and Sundays would be used for questions and answers in which the Platforms would be opened for all. 4. We shall be recording our lectures on inheritance law in Islām to be shared on our channels on Facebook and YouTube. 5. Periodically, our PDF file in which our lessons learnt so far is codified would be updated insha Allah. 6. Lastly, you can search, like and join all our platforms on all social media and YouTube channel with the name "Al